Jazmine Sullivan Belts Her Testimony [The Reality Show Tour]

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After almost a 4 year hiatus, Jazmine Sullivan is back to the music. She left the music industry to deal with personal struggles, but she’s back at it like she never left. They say… “An artist is at their best just after they’ve gone through something” and that statement is absolutely true for Jazmine Sullivan as she embarks on The Reality Show Tour. Let’s just say, this performance here… it was EVERYTHING!

Jazmine Sullivan keeps it real with fans during this concert, taking fans on a journey as she belts out the lyrics that voice her testimony. With songs like ‘Stupid Girl’, ‘Forever Don’t Last’, and ‘#HoodLove’ the crowd sung their hearts out and so did Jazmine. I felt like I could hear her soul as she was singing. Her melodic transitions from high notes to low tones is effortless. And, I can’t comprehend the control this woman has over her voice. It simply amazes me.

In between songs Jazmine preached words of wisdom and discussed her struggles. Her honesty made her one of the realest artists I’ve ever seen perform. As Jazmine was singing ‘Forever Don’t Last’ she discussed a relationship in which she just couldn't make things work. She sung, “but it was no good to keep a happy home” the music slowed and then Jazmine confessed “but then I realized after I tried &; I tried &; I tried…. I realized I was loving him more than I was loving myself…” Yes sus! Preach on it Jaz!Throughout the concert this woman had me all in my feelings. Listening to her reality evoked tons of emotions within myself. But, once the lights dimmed, the concert ended, and the people disbursed the only thing I was thinking was “Wow, that girl can SANG!”


If Sitting Front Row At A Concert Is Not On Your Bucket List… Add It!


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